Identifying signs of hail-damaged roof on commercial buildings

Posted By  rcc_admin  |  August 16, 2022

Hail can cause significant property damage. In a study, it was estimated that hail is responsible for roughly one billion dollars in damage to crops and property every year. Having to deal with bad weather and the resulting damage to your commercial property can impact a business’s operations and adversely affect its cash flow. 

Depending on the size of the hail and the intensity of the hailstorm, the structural integrity of a property could be compromised and the roof could be damaged. Knowing how to identify signs of the hail-damaged roof on your property can help you to take quick and effective steps to prevent any further damage to the property while ensuring it is fixed as soon as possible.


After a hailstorm, you should always conduct a visual inspection of your roof and property when it is safe. You may see visible signs of damage such as dents, cracks, fractures, and membrane punctures, which may have to be addressed immediately depending on their severity. 

If your roof has not been maintained regularly or has suffered prior storm damage, it could result in hailstone punctures as the roof material has been weakened. Check for any visible damage and document them and try to get them repaired as soon as possible.


Another sign of hail-damaged roofs on commercial buildings is a leaky roof. Look out for water dripping from any air conditioning units into the building, water leaking or pooling in the ceiling, and causing a discoloration of the paint, or even mold in the ceilings. 

Once the hail has punctured the roof, it may melt and the water may seep into your ceilings, causing a pooling of water and watermarks. If left untreated, this will result in permanent water damage and mold problems.

Irregular Heating or Cooling

Irregular heating or cooling of the building could be due to hail damage on the roof. This is because, for most commercial properties, the heating, ventilation, and air cooling (HVAC) systems are located on the roof. Hail may thus pierce or damage the thin metal slats in the HVAC system that direct airflow, resulting in the constriction of airflow and malfunction of the HVAC system. 

Beware of Long-Term Damage

While the above are some signs of identifying hail damage on commercial properties, there could be little to no visible signs of hail damage on your property as well. Sometimes the damage could be hard to tell and the roof membrane could be damaged without you knowing it. 

A more comprehensive way to identify hail damage on the roof of a building would be to hire a professional. Reynolds Construction Company offers a free roofing evaluation to determine the condition of your roof and whether any further actions are necessary. 

In the case of damage or if repair is required, we also provide commercial roofing repair services. We do not just replace and install new roofing systems, but will also repair any roof leaks or damage due to the hail.


Why choose Roof Core Cut

Core cut analysis is a critical step in helping to determine and recommend a new roof system. Without accurate information, a professional roofing contractor cannot offer accurate pricing.

Basing price on assumptions without confirming accurate information leaves the contractor and customer open to a project where a contractor may cut corners to remain whole on the project or change order the customer for the difference.

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