Commercial Roofing Glossary

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Reynolds Construction Company has been serving the building industry for many years. Our team of roofing experts can provide you with the best possible roofing system and service. We have installed PVC roofing systems for a wide range of commercial buildings such as shopping malls, schools, churches, and private businesses. If you own a commercial building, you will want to become familiar with commercial roofing. That is why we have put together a commercial roofing glossary for you.

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Roofing Glossary Services

Every industry comes with its own jargon, phrases, and, keywords. Here are the definitions of some frequently used terms in the commercial roofing industry:

  • Adhere

Two types of roofing materials have to adhere to each other or stick together in commercial roofing. When there is built-up roofing, the adhesive material used is asphalt, while the single-ply membranes will make use of contact cement.

  • Ballast

Ballast materials, such as aggregate or precast concrete, use gravity to hold the single-ply roofing in place.

  • Flashing

Flashing are materials that are used to close up and seal the edges of a roofing system. It can be used against walls, around the perimeter, on expansion joints, around penetrations, and to strengthen the drains and valleys. Flashing can be used anywhere the roofing materials are terminated or interrupted.

  • Insulation

Every roof will require insulating material. This is to keep the cool in during summer and heat during winter. A good insulating material can reduce the costs of heating and cooling the building.

  • Ply

Ply refers to the layer of ply sheet, felt, or reinforcement that is used in a roof system or membrane.

  • Ponding

Ponding refers to the excess water that gathers in the low-lying areas of a roof.

  • Roof Slope

The roof slope is the angle of a roof compared to a horizontal surface. This can be expressed as a ratio of the rise to run. In the mountains, many roofs are designed with a 12-inch rise for each foot of run. This is a steep roof so the heavy snow loads will slide off the roof to prevent the roof from collapsing.

  • Substrate

Substrate refers to the surface where the waterproof membrane or roofing materials are applied. For example, the substrate can be a structural deck or insulation.

  • Wind Uplift

The wind is usually deflected from the roof’s structure at the edges and peaks. When there are strong winds, this can cause a drop in air pressure above the surface of the roof. This can cause the roof edges and membranes to balloon or pull away from the decking.

Why Choose Reynolds Construction Company’s Roofing Specialists?

Here at Reynolds Construction Company, our professional team provides you with the best construction & commercial roofing services. Our team of experts can help you install and maintain your roof. We have installed roofing systems for many commercial buildings such as schools, shopping malls, churches, and private businesses. We offer you great service at affordable prices. Try it out for yourself today! Feel free to contact us for more information.

Government agencies can also make use of purchasing cooperatives to obtain more competitive rates and in addition, these agencies may be required to abide by bidding thresholds. In many states, organizations such as schools can enter into purchasing cooperatives, allowing them to enjoy the same procurement benefits as government agencies.


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